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Cultivated Reef

Just received my shipment from InTank...


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...and couldn't be happier.


I ordered the Standard Upgraded Cup for my Tunze 9002, some weld-on, and the upgraded Water Director for BioCube 29 (since I had the older version).


I get home and saw this



I know it's not there fault but I was skeptical and hoping that my items didn't break. Upon opening the shipment I saw this and everything was good.






It's things as "small" as packaging that make a customer that much more happy!


I already installed the water director and will be installing my skimmer with the new cup tonight since I had to weld the magnet on the skimmer and it takes 24 hours for it to cure.

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It's things as "small" as packaging that make a customer that much more happy!


Proper void fill is a BIG deal to us, lovely so happy to see they thought it was a soccer ball.


Enjoy, inTank you for the order :happy:

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How do they even manage to do that ####, I get boxes from InTank down her in Aus in perfect condition. Doesn't really matter because there is nothing you can really do to one of Stevie's parcels that could cause damage the contents anyway.

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