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Coral Vue Hydros

red sea wavemaster pro opinion


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Hey guys/gals,


I think the title pretty much says it all. Im starting a new tank (RSM 130D) hopefully buy the Friday and ive been debating on getting either a Vortech MP10 which im sure most of you know retails for around $250.

Yesterday I came a cross a guy who is selling a wave master pro by Red Sea for $75. I really like all the things Ive read and seen about the vortech Im just not a fan of having a wire hanging on the side of the tank.

Now what I have in mind would be to possibly buy the Red Sea wavemaster and add 2 Koralia Nano. which would cost me around 130.


Please someone give me an opinion on the Wave Master pro Or should I just get the Vortech Mp10?



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Ive installed plenty of the wavemaster pro's and I honestly HATE them, they dont have a soft start feature so they burn up some pumps pretty fast and they also tend to take a dump fairly quickly, So with what you are gonna pay for the wave maker and 2-4 power heads just do yourself a favor and get the MP10 since it's a MUCH better option

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Ive installed plenty of the wavemaster pro's and I honestly HATE them, they dont have a soft start feature so they burn up some pumps pretty fast and they also tend to take a dump fairly quickly, So with what you are gonna pay for the wave maker and 2-4 power heads just do yourself a favor and get the MP10 since it's a MUCH better option




You will not regret an mp10 also you can put it on a battery backup and get about 72 hours of one less thing to worry about if you have a power out.

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