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Parasitic worm ID.


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Hi, I recently moved my tank over from all in one 10 Gallon cube ( with the divide in the back for filter heater etc.) to a normal Glass 10 Gall tank. It has the same volume of water except without the divide in the back, there is more room for the fish. Anyway, I bought some more live rock to fill the empty space and I seem to have some unwanted guests.


I only had a single Clown in when I moved my liverock and I found him dead a week after with a worm attached to her. I fished her out, left it a week and put a Hector's Goby in a few days ago. The night after I bought him, at lights out, I noticed that I have quite a few worms. I have quite a few harmless Bristlies, but I've also found a couple of species I'm fairly sure are parasitic. There's this one, which clings to the glass with one end and floats with the rest of it's 'body':




And another which looks fairly similar except thinner and a lightish brown colour, it could well be the same species but juvenile. Either way I have one attached to my Goby which is hiding underneath my rockwork and I can't get him out without dismantling the tank. So, what I'm asking is if there is any kind of treatment to eradicate pest worms? Any help much Appreciated. Ta.

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+1 on the pop ups. =( I use image shack too, but have never been bombarded like that. o.O


Also can't really help with the worm, I'm sorry. I have a peanut worm in my tank who looks similar, but is definitely not parasitic. I feel your pain working with elusive parasites, I have a potential isopod problem in my tank.


Try this.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi, I recently moved my tank over from all in one 10 Gallon cube ( with the divide in the back for filter heater etc.) to a normal Glass 10 Gall tank. It has the same volume of water except without the divide in the back, there is more room for the fish. Anyway, I bought some more live rock to fill the empty space and I seem to have some unwanted guests.


I only had a single Clown in when I moved my liverock and I found him dead a week after with a worm attached to her. I fished her out, left it a week and put a Hector's Goby in a few days ago. The night after I bought him, at lights out, I noticed that I have quite a few worms. I have quite a few harmless Bristlies, but I've also found a couple of species I'm fairly sure are parasitic. There's this one, which clings to the glass with one end and floats with the rest of it's 'body':




And another which looks fairly similar except thinner and a lightish brown colour, it could well be the same species but juvenile. Either way I have one attached to my Goby which is hiding underneath my rockwork and I can't get him out without dismantling the tank. So, what I'm asking is if there is any kind of treatment to eradicate pest worms? Any help much Appreciated. Ta.

Same remark ... this site load strange pop ups and locked Safari up and I had to restart my Laptop. This site is NOT good !

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