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IM Nuvo 8 Build Thread


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Hey all,

I recently (and still am, might have something you're interested in!) parted out my BC29 because I was away from home for 5 weeks after breaking my neck and undergoing major surgery. During that 5 weeks my tank crashed, and I don't have the time, money, or strength to start that project again. However, I didn't want to get out of the hobby so I figured I'd downsize to a smaller tank and keep my favorite parts of saltwater around. I wanted to leave the set up completely stock and stick to PWCs that I could easily handle, as well as selecting "hardy" livestock choices which can still thrive in less than perfect conditions.....


The Setup

Innovative Marine Nuvo 8 (Black/14000k lighting)

8lbs dry sand

8-10lbs of BRS Reef Saver dry rock

Fluval E-Series 50W heater



Yellow Watchman Goby

Tiger Pistol

3-4 Red Hermits

Assorted Snails

Pom Pon Crab



Zoa Garden

Bam Bam

Blue Tubs

Whammin' Watermelon

Eagle Eye


No water yet, rock gets here tomorrow!


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Sounds like a great plan. Sorry to hear about your neck and the tank crash but it's good to hear you aren't leaving the hobby. I just purchased the 30 gallon nuvo so I'll be interested to see how yours turns out. I'll be following for sure.

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Sorry about the tank crash, but looks like a great start to a new one. :)


Thank you! :D



Looks great! I hope to start my tank (same as yours, in the white version) this weekend when I move into college; where did you buy yours from?


I bought mine from my LFS, Preuss Pets, here in Lansing ($199.99). I was debating between white/black and a lot of people I talked to said they liked the white better for FW and black for SW so that's why I went with black. I'm glad I did, I'm not sure how I'd feel when that white back wall starts getting growth on it! Also, when you go get the tank, white comes with the 10k instead of 14k light 9 times out of 10....so check to make sure it has the color spectrum you prefer! I'm at college too and I highly recommend this tank!


Are these stock lights? Looking to build a smaller tank and don't want to buy additional lighting to raise softies


Yes, these are the stock 8W 14k lights! I feel like they should suffice for softies....



Sounds like a great plan. Sorry to hear about your neck and the tank crash but it's good to hear you aren't leaving the hobby. I just purchased the 30 gallon nuvo so I'll be interested to see how yours turns out. I'll be following for sure.


Thank you! I love IM's tanks, not matter the size! I'll try and keep it updated as much as I can!




Got my rock today! I think there's seriously something wrong with us people in this hobby when we get excited about getting a box of rocks in the mail!


I ended up keeping my MP10, on the box it says for tank 2.5-50gal. so I said why not!? MORE FLOW! :wacko:


Here's my first FTS with my scape and no water! The cycle begins today, gotta go get my shrimp! Tanks sitting at 76 degress and 1.026


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  • 4 months later...

Well Folks,

It's been awhile and I apologize, I've finally recovered from my accident and can start paying more attention to other things, as you can see above I purchases the IM Nuvo 8 with the included 8 watt 14K LED, and am currently running everything stock with the addition of a MP10 (had it left over from my parted out BC29 and I like the variation in flow and small footprint I can have). Anyway, I stocked it with a tiger pistol and yellow watchmen goby pair, a pom pom crab, a scarlet hermit, and a snail lol. Started with 7ish lbs BRS Reef Saver rock and 6ish lbs of sugar sand. I kept it species specific for zoas and currently have (sorry about the pics I snapped them right after I moved some things around):

  • 20+ polyps of Bam BamsBB_zpsc63a7656.jpg?t=1359940192
  • 15 polyps of Whammin' WatermelonWW_zps3a3e4479.jpg?t=1359940204
  • 12 polyps of Eagle EyesEE_zps0224da00.jpg?t=1359940188
  • 30 polyps of Tubs BlueTB_zps86d15c37.jpg?t=1359940203
That's how it started, sometime in September-ish. Then I neglected it, rarely did WC's, or tank maintenance, and it went down hill, till a week ago. Brown matte-like algae covered my rocks, my Pom Pom crab lost his anemones, and the glass was crusty with green algae. Finally, I put my big boy pants on and got the tank in shape in about 15 min (oh the beauty of a small tank!). Looks pretty good now, I'm doing complete water changes (~5 gal.) every few days and the algae seems to be disappearing, the brown is disappearing, leaving a green behind, hopefully that'll disappear as well. So with that said - this week I'm adding:
  • InTank Media Basket - to replace the cheap crappy factory model that makes you use the propriertary sponges that cost a fortune. I'll be running floss, purigen, and chemipure elite in the three levels respectively.
  • InTank Fuge Basket - which will contain some Chaeto to gobble up any stray nitrate or phosphate.
  • Small 10W Submersible Light - for the macro
Then for Zoas:
  • 2 polyps of Candy Apple Reds
  • 3 polyps of Rastas
  • 3 polyps of LA Lakers
  • 4 polyps of Ked Reds
  • 2 polyps of Purple Hornets
  • 5 polyps of Radioactive Active Dragon Eyes
  • 2 polyps of Gobbstoppers
Then I'll sit back and pray for growth and zero phosphates :spin3:
FTS 2/3/13 (it'll return to its original glory soon, have faith!)
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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...

Any updates?



can anyone comment on the sound of the tank? looking for smallbedroom tank but needs to be near silent..thanks =D

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