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Question about ocean coral cool white leds?


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Hi everyone, im curious if it is worth the extra work to wire each color up seperatly or if i can save myself the extra time/money and leave all of the colors wired togoether thus running at equal currents. Thanks

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Milad LEDGroupBuy.com
Hi everyone, im curious if it is worth the extra work to wire each color up seperatly or if i can save myself the extra time/money and leave all of the colors wired togoether thus running at equal currents. Thanks


Just run them with their standard solder pads instead of wiring each LED individually. Unless you are really picky, you will be really satisfied by the default wiring.

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... thus running at equal currents.


I have yet to run across an OCW of any make that has LEDs in it that won't all do well at a common amperage (although for some that common amperage is 500 mA and for others 700mA. Check with your supplier...).

Anyway, as Milad said, almost everybody wires 'em together and likes the result.

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I have two OCW's on my fixture they're all using the normal wiring pattern in series, which are in series with 8 True Violets all running at 500mA.


Can't complain!

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Sounds good, so is there generaly a sweet spot in amperage where all the colors even out? Im curious because i was planning on running what may be more then needed and dimming them down to correct for it.

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Milad LEDGroupBuy.com
Sounds good, so is there generaly a sweet spot in amperage where all the colors even out? Im curious because i was planning on running what may be more then needed and dimming them down to correct for it.


Anything past about 100mA and everything starts evening out.

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