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Hey all. So I emailed the guys at reefcleaners.org for a cleanup crew for my tank and they got back to me today. The recommend 5 dwarf ceriths, 3 nassarius, 3 florida ceriths, 2 hermits and 3 small/medium nerites. This sounds like alot to me for my Aqueon Evolve 8. Another thing is I don't really know if I want to have them shipped. I went to my LFS and the only snails they have are astreas and nassarius. They also have hermits. The downfall of the LFS is the snails and hermits they sell are like 10 times more expensive then on reefcleaners.org. If I were to go with the LFS snails, how many astreas and nassarius should I get? And my tank is technically 8 gallons but I believe it really only holds like 6. Dimensions are 11.5 long by 9 wide by 12 deep. Thanks in advance.

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They're been dishing out snails for a long time and think from a hobbiest point of view. They wot tell you to get more snails than needed. Also, they all eat different things in different parts of the tank. A nassarius will ONLY eat dead stuff, detritus, and leftover food. This will leave you with only the Astraea, plus even with shipping, you will still save money an not even have to leave your house to get them.

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Hey all. So I emailed the guys at reefcleaners.org for a cleanup crew for my tank and they got back to me today. The recommend 5 dwarf ceriths, 3 nassarius, 3 florida ceriths, 2 hermits and 3 small/medium nerites. This sounds like alot to me for my Aqueon Evolve 8. Another thing is I don't really know if I want to have them shipped. I went to my LFS and the only snails they have are astreas and nassarius. They also have hermits. The downfall of the LFS is the snails and hermits they sell are like 10 times more expensive then on reefcleaners.org. If I were to go with the LFS snails, how many astreas and nassarius should I get? And my tank is technically 8 gallons but I believe it really only holds like 6. Dimensions are 11.5 long by 9 wide by 12 deep. Thanks in advance.

Just go with what John over @ reefcleaners suggested. The dwarfs are tiny, you probably won't see them much (they come out @ night) same goes for the nerites & FL ceriths. Nassarius will come out when you feed. The hermits aren't huge so get a few extra shells for them so they'll have a new home to move into when they get bigger.

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Just go with what John over @ reefcleaners suggested. The dwarfs are tiny, you probably won't see them much (they come out @ night) same goes for the nerites & FL ceriths. Nassarius will come out when you feed. The hermits aren't huge so get a few extra shells for them so they'll have a new home to move into when they get bigger.

Sounds good. Oh and should I be feeding when I have the nassarius even though I don't have any fish yet? Also I don't have any lid on tank. It came with one but its acrylic and the tank gets too hot when it is on. Should I worry about the snails getting out?

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