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ID needed for two slugs a snail and a pocelain crab


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Found this one roaming around. It's about an inch long and it has SPIKES on his back :(



I think this is a Cerithium snail. Never seen him do anything wrong



This porcelain crab was inside the acropora when i bought it. It's always there so i guess he is harmless?



Another picture



Also this one out. Very small but i guess he is not reefsafe


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The first one is a type of chiton. It is like a snail and eats algae so it is good to have in there. The second is an acro crab which is also good to have and the last one is indeed some kind of slug but IDK which kind. If you want to be safe, toss him.

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The first one is a type of chiton. It is like a snail and eats algae so it is good to have in there. The second is an acro crab which is also good to have and the last one is indeed some kind of slug but IDK which kind. If you want to be safe, toss him.


Could be very well be a chiton (did not think of that). probably a Cryptoplax. They are harmless but tend to become big.



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