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Innovative Marine Aquariums

should i buy this


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I wouldn't especially without the uv shield

the one i was going to buy was used for like 2 monhs i guess its stock watever the thing comes with ,,but do i need a uv shield seprate btw its like 70$

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...but do i need a uv shield seprate btw its like 70$

wait.................... the uv shield is $70 or the pendant is $70? do you really want a 10K bulb anyway?

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10k halides look pretty white, see you are going to spend 70 on this then probably another 30-40 on the uv shield cause its a circle then later another 45 on phoenix 14k bulb. w/o the bulb you are looking at 110 bucks to use this look at aquastyles and do a DIY led kit for that price

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If you really want to go MH send me a PM I have a 150 sunpod with UV Shield mounting legs 14K bulb and I might even still have the wires for hanging if you want to go that way.

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