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Who is this? Id please


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What a beautiful fella!


You mean to say you didn't spend the 20 bucks to buy that guy like I would of had to do at my LFS? Have you added any new LR lately? Any idea where it came from?

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Why does he have to remove/kill it ??


I love urchins :) That's a really nice one as well. I would leave it. I've been looking for a rock boring urchin myself but I haven't found one I like yet. If you really don't want it, take it to the LFS for credit.

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Why does he have to remove/kill it ??


I love urchins :) That's a really nice one as well. I would leave it. I've been looking for a rock boring urchin myself but I haven't found one I like yet. If you really don't want it, take it to the LFS for credit.


The reason some don't like rock boring urchins is that they can bore into coral skeleton as well as rock.

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