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Adding more sand


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So when I started my tank I didnt put enough sand in and now I want a deeper sandbed :/(tanks about 4months old)...so my question is can I just add it without any problems or do I have to prep it in anyway..ill be using just straight aragonite sand from petco

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Not really any big negatives to it. Just add it slowly to prevent clouding up your water. Personally, I'd add a cup or two of sand every day for a few weeks. That way you won't have to risk any die off from the live sand. Just keep the sand in a 5g bucket with a heater until you put it in your tank.

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is it live sand?


IMO live sand thats from like petco isnt really "Live"....true live sands from established tanks....but to answer your question no its not live just regular aragonite sand

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then just make sure you rinse the sand really really good.. and def. add the sand slowly.. and from the post above.. add a cup every other day or so.. just so you dont kill anything from the old sand..

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