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Biocube couple questions :)


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alright so im running a biocube 29 .. i bought it used but as far as filtration goes im going with a aquatic life mini skimmer in the first chamber .. the second chamber where the bioballs should be i have a chemi pure bag with some live rock and finally the last chamber has a sponge right before it gets sucked up by the pump and back into the tank.


right now i only have live rock , a clownfish , yellow goby , snails and hermit crabs... im probably going to get more fish and eventually coral and stuff.


im wondering if the filtration i have going right now is fine?

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How are you focusing the flow through the chemo-pure?


Do you have some kind of media basket? If the water is just flowing around a loose bag, it isn't going to do much for your tank.

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You should probably ditch the sponge. It will get dirty fast. If you don't clean it every few days it will create problems. Hard to say if it's enough. Pictures would help. How old is your tank what kind of live rock do you have? How much live rock? How much do you feed? Any upgrades on the tank? There are a lot of variables.

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Get rid of the LR in chamber use a intank media rack with Chemi-pure/purigen/filter floss.It has worked great for me low or no nitrates firsh and coral happy. You can change the filter floss every few days( its dirt cheap) and do WC every week and all should be good.

Good luck .

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not sure how much live rock is in it.. i bought it with the tank. the tank was running for over a year but wit me its been like 2 months. sorry not a sponge .. using filter floss. So ur saying i should put a layer of filter floss , purigen and chemi-pure all in the media basket and with the skimmer should all be good?


alright ill change the set-up today :) let you know how it goes.

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...So ur saying i should put a layer of filter floss , purigen and chemi-pure all in the media basket and with the skimmer should all be good?


alright ill change the set-up today :) let you know how it goes.



Correct. Toss whatever else you have in there. Sponge, LR rubble, etc.

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My media basket seems to have been made smaller .. So I have the chemi pure on the bottom .. Nd the floss above it . But since it's narrow there an empty space maybe 2 inches going all the way to the bottom .. I'm thinking the water might be going there nd skip the floss and just go through the chemi pure bag nd then to the 3rd chamber .. I put more floss incase that is happening . I will take a picture and put it up here when I have a chance . I hope when in saying make sense

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