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Pod Your Reef

noobs 10 gallon reef


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Tank is cycled. 8 1/2 lbs of live rock. SG 1.023, PH 8.2, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, and nitrate 0. I want to keep mushrooms, polyps, and zoos. I would like to have a clown goby and a royal gamma. Small snails for my cuc. What is my next step?. BTW I want non aggressive corals.


How do I upload photos?

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Tank is cycled. 8 1/2 lbs of live rock. SG 1.023, PH 8.2, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, and nitrate 0. I want to keep mushrooms, polyps, and zoos. I would like to have a clown goby and a royal gamma. Small snails for my cuc. What is my next step?. BTW I want non aggressive corals.


How do I upload photos?


I would say start adding your bioload in moderately and keep an eye on your params. Water changes are the key! I'd do weekly changes but that's just me. The corals you listed are hardy corals and easy to keep so you should be good. What kind of lighting do you have?


To add photos I usually find a website that hosts images such as photobucket or tinypic and upload them there. Once it's uploaded copy the url and go back to your thread and click "add reply". Once you're in the editor click the second icon, which is the "insert image" option, under "fonts" and paste the url there at the window that pops up then press ok. Continue this with any additional pics until done then scroll down and either click add reply if youre done or preview post to check and see if you inserted everything correctly then clock add reply if everything's good.


Hope this info helps man. Good luck

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