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Bubble Maggus

Finding Paulo

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Finding Paulo

hey i have this pump coming in today and had a few questions,.

using it with esv 2 part plus esv mag


im setting this up on a 50 gallon. any recommendations on what rate i should start on?


and how does water changes work? because im assuming when you do a 10 - 15 percent water chagne alot of calcium, alk, and mag depletes? do i manually dose more or just miantain the setting on the pump?


any other tips?

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You have to know how much of each element is being consumed. So you will set it to match your current dosing levels. You can't just set it for some general recommendation.


Testing is very important until you get this dialed in. I think you could dilute any of these solutions with RO/DI to help achieve the desired dosing amounts. Continued testing is also important as it will be virtually impassible to match the consumption rate exactly. Plus, the consumption rate will continue to change as your corals and coralline algae grow.


Do you plan to use this as a top off device? It might be possible to dose enough sufficiently diluted solutions to make up the bulk of the water that evaporates. Evaporation rates are variable, so manual adjustments might still be required.


Water changes shouldn't affect your levels much, as your target parameters should be very close to the levels of your salt mix (similar to natural seawater). I wouldn't recommend excessively high values of any element.

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Finding Paulo
You have to know how much of each element is being consumed. So you will set it to match your current dosing levels. You can't just set it for some general recommendation.


Testing is very important until you get this dialed in. I think you could dilute any of these solutions with RO/DI to help achieve the desired dosing amounts. Continued testing is also important as it will be virtually impassible to match the consumption rate exactly. Plus, the consumption rate will continue to change as your corals and coralline algae grow.


Do you plan to use this as a top off device? It might be possible to dose enough sufficiently diluted solutions to make up the bulk of the water that evaporates. Evaporation rates are variable, so manual adjustments might still be required.


Water changes shouldn't affect your levels much, as your target parameters should be very close to the levels of your salt mix (similar to natural seawater). I wouldn't recommend excessively high values of any element.


Thanks! yeah i know i cant set it at some general recommendation but like to know where i can start at... to go up from there to save some time, supplements and tests... i guess theres no other way then to go little by little and test alot.


will add pics tomorrow on my thread!!!

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Thanks! yeah i know i cant set it at some general recommendation but like to know where i can start at... to go up from there to save some time, supplements and tests... i guess theres no other way then to go little by little and test alot.


will add pics tomorrow on my thread!!!


I use b-ionic which gives you have much 1ml per gallon will raise each level by PPM. Any good supplement should so hopefully yours does.


What you do is measure your 3 levels and wait for 4 days and remeasure. Dont add any supplements or a do a water change during this time. But do top off the water keeping you SG the same between the 2 tests.

Check how many PPM that your Calcium, Alk, and Mag dropped over the 4 days. Take that and divide by 4 and you have a good idea of your consumption rate for a day. Calculate how much u have to dose to replenish those levels based on the label and set your doser to dose that many ml's of the solution per day.


I have the bubble magus on my RSM 250. I have channel 1 dosing my fresh water like a top off. And channels 2 and 3 dosing my 2 part. Hand dosing mag as needed


As seabass stated testing is important since added coral and coral growth will change your consumption rates. You can use the same 4 day test that i mentioned above but keep your doser going and top off just the same, only thing u dont do is a water change still. Divide the difference by 4 and whatever that is, is how much you have to INCREASE your current dosing. For example, if your dosing 1ml of part A and you retest, and its dropped for example 12ppm since 4 days ago. Your losing 3ppm per day. So add whatever your bottle says you need to add on top of your current 1ml of dosing and your set.


You'll also want to check every so often that your tubing isnt getting clogged


Im considering doing less water changes now. I have a skimmer going. Running carbon and GFO in a BRS reactor. And my 2 part has trace elements in it. Whats the need to do water changes any more? Its much cheaper to use supplements to keep your levels up then doing water changes. Something im condering trying

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Finding Paulo
I use b-ionic which gives you have much 1ml per gallon will raise each level by PPM. Any good supplement should so hopefully yours does.


What you do is measure your 3 levels and wait for 4 days and remeasure. Dont add any supplements or a do a water change during this time. But do top off the water keeping you SG the same between the 2 tests.

Check how many PPM that your Calcium, Alk, and Mag dropped over the 4 days. Take that and divide by 4 and you have a good idea of your consumption rate for a day. Calculate how much u have to dose to replenish those levels based on the label and set your doser to dose that many ml's of the solution per day.


I have the bubble magus on my RSM 250. I have channel 1 dosing my fresh water like a top off. And channels 2 and 3 dosing my 2 part. Hand dosing mag as needed


As seabass stated testing is important since added coral and coral growth will change your consumption rates. You can use the same 4 day test that i mentioned above but keep your doser going and top off just the same, only thing u dont do is a water change still. Divide the difference by 4 and whatever that is, is how much you have to INCREASE your current dosing. For example, if your dosing 1ml of part A and you retest, and its dropped for example 12ppm since 4 days ago. Your losing 3ppm per day. So add whatever your bottle says you need to add on top of your current 1ml of dosing and your set.


You'll also want to check every so often that your tubing isnt getting clogged


Im considering doing less water changes now. I have a skimmer going. Running carbon and GFO in a BRS reactor. And my 2 part has trace elements in it. Whats the need to do water changes any more? Its much cheaper to use supplements to keep your levels up then doing water changes. Something im condering trying


im also using the b-ionic 2 part and b-ionic mag. dudde. thank you!! i like the test and retest in4 days nd divide by 4 method. it makes sense! this is really going to help me! i have a jbj auto top off running so im probably gona use the third pump to dose mag.


and on your example lets say i am losing 3 ppm per day ... do i dose that evenly throughout the 24 hour timer on the dosing pump?

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im also using the b-ionic 2 part and b-ionic mag. dudde. thank you!! i like the test and retest in4 days nd divide by 4 method. it makes sense! this is really going to help me! i have a jbj auto top off running so im probably gona use the third pump to dose mag.


and on your example lets say i am losing 3 ppm per day ... do i dose that evenly throughout the 24 hour timer on the dosing pump?


I would suggest dosing the alk over a longer period during the day. Calcium I would do it over 2 or 3 times during the day. I forgot the exact amount of times the bubble maggus lets you dose. I would dose the alk either 12 times a day or 24 times. So you set the desired ml you need to dose per day and then u set the number of times it splits that dose over the day. The instructions are pretty easy.


Remember to check that it is dosing the amount you want! mine was off by a bit. I set it to dose 5ml and it only dosed 4ml. And theres no calibration option so u have to manually calculate how to correct for the error. I just used RO water and caught it in a cup to figure out what each channel was dosing until i had it set to the right number to give me the exact ml i wanted. a pain but thats how i had to do it. For example my channel one was tested at being set to 5ml and it only dosed 4. I wanted to actually dose 10 ml so i had to set it to 12.5 so i just rounded it up to 13.

equation is: set test MLs times desired MLs devided by test actual MLs. So based on the above example it looks like this 5ml x 10 ml divided by 4ml = 12.5 ml which is what i had to set it at to actually get 10ml out.

Let me know if i need to explain it in a different way.

(including not to insult but im not sure your level of math understanding and for others info also :)


Also remember this should be checked for each pump. They may all be different.


OH, and remember to use your actual water volume not what your tank can hold. you said your setting it up on a 50g so dont base your dosing level on 50g of water. you have rock and sand, pumps, livestock, etc that take up room so if you dont know roughly how much water you added when you set it up try to get a good guess at how much is in there

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Finding Paulo

cool man! thanks so much for the great help. i liked the detailed explanation, i think i know exactly what to do now thanks to you! i will set this up this weekend and have pictures!!

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