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Zoa Problem?


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Are you talking about the maroon looking masses? They look like sponges or even coralline algae, are they squishy or hard? Either way, I'm not convinced that this is why the colony isn't opening. A pest could be causing them to stay shut. Do you have other colonies that are effected?

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it's hard and flaky. This photo was taken at night so that may be why they are closed up, some of them in that area do open up. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't something bad.

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Are you talking about the maroon looking masses? They look like sponges or even coralline algae, are they squishy or hard? Either way, I'm not convinced that this is why the colony isn't opening. A pest could be causing them to stay shut. Do you have other colonies that are effected?

It could also possibly be Cyano. Can you rub it off? If you can rub off I say Cyano, if its hard I say Coraline Algae, if its a solid mass but soft like a sponge then I say sponge. Its hard to tell from the pictures. The only one of them that would effect your zoas would be Cyano though. Otherwise take them out and dip the whole piece in Coral RX.


it's hard and flaky. This photo was taken at night so that may be why they are closed up, some of them in that area do open up. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't something bad.

Most likely Coraline then.

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