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Stocking List for 3 gallon. Advice?


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I was hoping some people who have had experience with keeping small reef tanks would review my stocking list and make sure I'm not overstocked/understocked.

So far, its.... (this is for a 3 gallon)


Sexy Anemone Shrimp x5

Halloween Hermit Crab

Nerite snails x2


Dwarf ceriths x5


White pom-pom Xenia

Yellow dragon eye Zoanthid

Ricordea morph with purple mouth

Unknown frag of Xenia (stealing it from a friends tank!)


Any advice would be really appreciated. Its my first tank, so I want it to be healthy!

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Thanks for your quick replies! I have heard that they can be housed 1 per 0.5 gal, any thoughts on that? Should I follow that rough guide? I rounded down from 6 sexies to 5, but should I drop the number even more? Thanks for all your help!

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I was always under the impression that halloween hermits get fairly large. They could potentially break/damage coral and rock in your aquarium. Personally, I would stay away from the halloween hermits, but everything else looks fine. You could also put a maxi-mini in there for your sexy shrimp to host.

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Thanks for your quick replies! I have heard that they can be housed 1 per 0.5 gal, any thoughts on that? Should I follow that rough guide? I rounded down from 6 sexies to 5, but should I drop the number even more? Thanks for all your help!

I'd say whatever you feel comfortable keeping is perfectly fine. :) try to stick to odd numbers though, it seems they feel a little better in odd groups.

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