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Innovative Marine Aquariums

First attempt with marine fish very unsuccessful


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So ive had this reef for nearly two years by now, all softies (zoas and leathers). I decided to add fish to the tank, did some reading, thought about it for a month or so and bought three green chromis.

Yesterday i added them to the tank

This morning i saw one out and about looking just fine

I went to work and my girlfriend said she saw two moving around all day

When i came home only one could be found (appeared to be fine)

I fed 2mL of PhytoFeast to some corals with a turky baster and within 5 minutes that chromis died.

I later found a bristlestar eating the other.

The third is MIA.






I mixed new salt last week and did a waterchange. The new mix was actually low 1.022.

Not sure how the SG moved up so much. I am also a little upset that i tested for Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate the day of purchase, but didn't check SG.

IS the Specific gravity what killed them or am i missing something?


And why would the chromis look just fine one minute, and kick the bucket because of a feeding. Coincidence?

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Many LFS's keep their fish at lower SG levels. Proper acclimation of marine fish before addition to a reef tank is very important. How long did you acclimate and what method did you use?


I have measured some LFS fish water at 1.018 SG!

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I have trouble with fish too. They are definitely harder than corals in the very short run. It's a good thing you started off with cheap fish. i say try again with cheap fish. Make sure you don't get any diseased fish, cause then, you'll have to wait before adding again.

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I Put the bag in the water to get them to the same temperature. I then removed about a quarter of the water from the bag and refilled from the tank. I repeated that process 2 more times. After about 45 minutes(entire promise) i netted the fish and released them.


*process* not promise

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I Put the bag in the water to get them to the same temperature. I then removed about a quarter of the water from the bag and refilled from the tank. I repeated that process 2 more times. After about 45 minutes(entire promise) i netted the fish and released them.


Next time you buy fish I'd suggest that you measure the SG of the fish water and your tank. The wider the gap, the more time the fish will need to acclimate. Many people use a slow drip system which allows for less drastic changes to occur. With a large SG difference and a sensitive fish, I'll acclimate 2 hours or even more if the fish came from my local LFS.

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