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Adequate Lighting?


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I have a 6 gallon tank and I am really wanting to upgrade to LED's. I do not have a soldering iron so I would much rather get a Par bulb. Is this light too powerful for my tank? http://www.rapidled.com/12-led-par38-bulb-mixed-color/ If you think its not too powerful do you think I should do 60 or 80 degree optics? Thanks for your help. I plan on buying this tonight so any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I was actually looking at that, but was recommended to the other one. I like the ledtric one better because it has other colors besides blue and white which will help the corals pop. Another question, if i get a lamp to hold the bulb and the lamp is dim-able will i be able to actually dim the bulb?

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The LEDs are not on a dimmable driver. If you use a dimming socket on them, you will probably destroy it. You would not need to dim it, just hang it about 12" above the tank.

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The LEDs are not on a dimmable driver. If you use a dimming socket on them, you will probably destroy it. You would not need to dim it, just hang it about 12" above the tank.


Thank you so much for your help. About to order it right now, anyone have a discount code for ledtric? :D

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