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Can pistol shrimp break glass?

Monsieur Kam

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I am wanting to put a tiger pistol shrimp in my 10 gallon, but it is a standard 10 gallon with only 1/8" thick glass. I have had a couple of pistol shrimps in my 75 gallon but did not worry about it because the glass is much thicker. This should not be a problem though right?

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I've had a tiger pistol shrimp in a 34g solana. Also, my cousin had one in a biocube. I'm not sure how thick the glass was, but I don't you you would have a problem

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It is rare but from time to time you will hear about a pistol shrimp breaking a tank.

Keyword "hear". With all these stories, I am extremely surprised to have never seen a picture of said broken tank. Also, it's always this guy I knows friend. A pistol shrimp uses a heated up bubble to stun small shrimp. It doesn't even kill it, just stuns it. Flick a shrimp in the head and you will kill it. Flick a glass tank and you'll do nothing but hurt your finger.

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Keyword "hear". With all these stories, I am extremely surprised to have never seen a picture of said broken tank. Also, it's always this guy I knows friend. A pistol shrimp uses a heated up bubble to stun small shrimp. It doesn't even kill it, just stuns it. Flick a shrimp in the head and you will kill it. Flick a glass tank and you'll do nothing but hurt your finger.


Lol, I suppose that is true. I don't think I have anything to worry about with it. I love pistol shrimps :)

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The answer to your question, yes a pistol shrimp can break glass. But the real question is can the available pistol shrimp that inhabit our aquariums break the tank? Most pistols wanted for the aquarium such as the randals and the tiger pistols won't break your tank. These guys are too small and their snapping claw does not have enough punch to break our tanks.

As patback commented you "hear" pistols breaking glass but not seen. Yes, I have. I used to volunteer at a marine research facility that got in a large pistol shrimp (non-goby pairing type). It was in glass beaker and in a split second there was large snap/bang. The beaker was in pieces and the shrimp flapping all over the floor.

So I wouldn't worry about the tiger pistol for your tank. It will also make a great addition for stirring up the sand bed.

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One of the most entertaining animals to have in an aquarium is a pistol and goby. Ive had a few pairs, its always interesting to see them dig up the sand and make a home. I think the pistol shrimp breaking an aquarium is just an urban myth. Or like neuwave said, the ones that inhabit our tanks are not big enough to do that. So I wouldnt worry. Just make sure you get the right kind of shrimp/goby as not all species will pair up. Ive had good luck with yellow watchman gobys and tiger shrimp.

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No. Pistol shrimp use sound to stun prey/predators. Mantis shrimp are the only ones that could break glass.



And even then its usually only the large heavyweight smashers like peacocks that are truly capable of it, unless the tank has unusually thin glass.

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