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Need advice on Frag please


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Hello everyone

Today I saw in my LFS some beautiful (and expensive) Palys frags. They sell Frags with one, two or three polyps.

If I get the one with a single polyp can it reproduce by itself or better gets the one with more polyps. The price is $50 for one or $120 for three. Need advice please

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You can get a single polyp and it will bud off by itself. It's how most zoa collectors get their more expensive zoas. Pics of this zoa? $50 for one polyp is really pricey.


I'm from CA as well.

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You can get a single polyp and it will bud off by itself. It's how most zoa collectors get their more expensive zoas. Pics of this zoa? $50 for one polyp is really pricey.


I'm from CA as well.

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You can get a single polyp and it will bud off by itself. It's how most zoa collectors get their more expensive zoas. Pics of this zoa? $50 for one polyp is really pricey.


I'm from CA as well.

It's an allien eyes palys. Very rare.I don't have any pic yet; after I buyed I will posted. This will be my first Paly. Is the same method is valid for other corals? AKA Mushrooms, Acans, or Plates?

I have a very nice mushroom that I never saw in the trade ever. I have it for like five months but he won't reproduce.

I notice that you're in San Jose, I'm in the Central Valley close to Modesto. Thank You for your advice.

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Skip the $50 paly. Especially if it's your first. Get some cheap ones and make sure you can grow them. Some people don't do well with palys and zoas. You could probably get 3-4 different ones for the same price.

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Skip the $50 paly. Especially if it's your first. Get some cheap ones and make sure you can grow them. Some people don't do well with palys and zoas. You could probably get 3-4 different ones for the same price.

I have zoanthids, leather and mushroom on my other reef. I mean, this is my first Palythoa specie and I never get a Frag with only one polyp in there and I wasn't unsure if they reproduce asexually.

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