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Carpet Anemone Help


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Remember im a noob.


So what i thought was some sort of large mushroom is actually a carpet anemone. This explains all my missing fish. This bastard has eaten a yasha, high fin, 2 orange lined cardinals this week and a two spot sand sifter today. I hate this thing and can't seem to be able to get his foot to detach from the rock. I need any tricks or ideas of how to get him out of my tank.








oh and apparently before i bought the tank he had eaten 2 yasha's and a small black tang. This is now a very very expensive anemone.

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I have had good luck in the past using an ice cube touched on the base of the anemone to get it to release from rockwork


FWIW where are you located at?

cause if you are close to South Florida I will buy that maxi mini off of you when you get him outta the tank

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well this thing is 5-6" when its open, or just ate an expensive fish. I see small ones online, 1-3 inches, for $35. I dunno make me an offer.

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Well i have tried every trick that i have heard of. I pointed a powerhead at it, I used ice, i squirted it with RO. This thing is impossible. It's stuck so far under the rock his foot is impossible to get at (see pic). I really don't know what to do.



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I'm just kind bro! I can't put that eating nem in my tank! Are you crazy! Lol it's all yours!

LOL, I have a fiji yellow belly damsel in my tank that my wife picked out because "she liked the pretty colors" thats a total bastard, he bited my hand when I am in there fixing corals the crabs or snails knocked over that I am hoping this nem will eat LOL


On a different funny note I was at the LFS W/ my wife and told her to pick a fish and she kept picking damsels and I told her NO, NO DAMSELS and she says but honey those are the only ones I like...I said baby seriously? W/ all the beautiful saltwater fish you cant honestly tell me that you dont like ANYTHING other than the damselfish... theres just NO WAY tahts seriously possible LOL

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Lol she probably know how much the devil is worth! She don't want you to spend anything else. :P

Lol no shes pretty good, she doesnt care what I spend money on as long as we have enough for the essentials for the month you know?


Besides she LOVES the reef tank and I told her that the next 6 corals she is allowed to pick out and I wont say anything about what she picks, I only told her I would let her know whether or not it would do well in the tank or not

Main reason is I am color blind for certain shades of colors and I tend to pick corals that are all similar or close to similar in color because they are different shades of a color and they look TOTALLY different to me but to her they look to much the same LOL, so I told her to go ahead and pick out the next 6 corals for the tank and the next fish as well because I will be buying a pair of platinum/maine white or Wyoming white clowns after that

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My wife loves the tank too! Its always nice to have wifey support in an expensive hobby such as this. She always helps picking corals and fish. Unfortunately all our fish died due to some disease that a new fish brought in the tank. So we set up a quarantine tank and will be picking some new fish to go in. there just going to have to be in the quarantine for 6 weeks or so.


Also i still have not been able to remove that nem

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