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Cultivated Reef

avast cs2


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anyone using this skimmer the "black pearl" cant seem to find any documented usage besides marketing and info on the companies site????

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i have their CS1, its basically the same thing, the body and neck is 1/2" wider than the CS1 and 3" taller. it uses the same pump recommended on the CS1 so you'll get slightly better performance (longer reaction time). also it can be run in or out of the sump with better plumbing than the CS1 so it should be of better quality than the CS1.


is it worth the 700 price tag? to me, i dont think so considering the trouble i had with the CS1 recirculating model (noise, vibration) but im sure the quality of the parts and the build will be a lot better than the CS1. for $700 tho, im sure you can get other skimmers on the same level or even better performer than the CS2


you can check out my review of the CS1 here



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