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Attention All Reefer's especially beginner's!


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Hey everyone,

I read an article today in a magazine called CORAL, (which I'm sure a lot of you have read before) titled Deadly Inverts. I wanted to post a link to the online digital edition of this so everyone can read it if they haven't especially beginner's. I think it's important for most to read because it's about toxic inverts that can be found in our little reefs including the most known toxin, palytoxin, which is found in zoanthids and palythoa's. Although not all the toxic creatures that are discussed in the article are found in aquarium shops, some occasionally can end up in a piece of live rock. There have been a lot of people that get sick just because they did not take the right precautions when working in their tanks. I think beginners should read this just so they know what to look for and how to handle certain things properly. The magazine is amazing and always full of great information. Some other issues can be found on their site so check those out too. Here's the link the article is on page 70, enjoy!


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I get that magazine, that was a very good article.


In general, that's a great magazine. Most of their articles are well written.

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No problem! I love CORAL magazine. I was actually able to track down the first 3 original issues a few years ago. I haven't seen them anywhere since.

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It's always good to see this topic resurface in the 'Beginners Discussion' forum. I have no first hand experience with the toxin because I happened to read about it in the early stages of my hobby.

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I read this article a week or two ago. Very good stuff.


CORAL is a great magazine. I have been flirting with the idea of buying a subscription. It is available for free online through some websites which is nice, but I like the idea of supporting the only decent magazine about this hobby that I've found so far so I think I will buy a subscription.

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