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bubble tip anoneme


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I picked up a green BTA at my LFS last Saturday for my Solana 34 with Aquatic Life 4 Bulb T5 fixture. I have an MP10 set on reef crest for flow. The anoneme has tucked itself behind the rock next to the false wall just under the dual outlets. It appears healthy but I am concerned it's hiding. Should I worry?

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Read up on anemones.


+2. It need to find its place. Cover your pumps so it can't get shredded. It's going to move around. Then read some more. How old is your tank? What kind of lights? Pics would help. Good luck.

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+2. It need to find its place. Cover your pumps so it can't get shredded. It's going to move around. Then read some more. How old is your tank? What kind of lights? Pics would help. Good luck.


The tank is a year old and the lights are T5 four bulb Aquatic Life.

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Once it finds it spot you can feed it or if it's in a spot you want it to stay then feed it there. They have a mind of their own and will go where it wants. You don't have much control over it. If its happy, it should stay put.

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^^^ +1 to cover your pumps. Learned that one the hard way a long time ago - had one find its way into an MP10. Game over.


Thanks for the advice everyone. As I said, it appears healthy and I've read they like to tuck themselves into crevices, but this chap is sort of squeezed down between the rock and the wall. I'll leave him alone and hope he ventures out after a few more days once he's settled into the tank. I'll also dig out the foam cover that came with the MP10.

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if you can, keep us updated on how it does. I have the same light fixture but was a little worried it was not enough light for an anemone

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if you can, keep us updated on how it does. I have the same light fixture but was a little worried it was not enough light for an anemone

It's really not, depending on placement.

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i have the same fixture in a 24x17x17 tank with ATI bulbs and seems to be doing well. i got mine last weekend as well.


i didnt think to cover the MP10 but i'll search for the foam cover tonight as well!

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