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Cultivated Reef

Fire Worm?


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Rescaping found a no so large bristle worm, hoping it is not a fire worm. I know it is a bad phone camera pic but any help would be great. It was the first time I cleaned/rescaped my tank after adding a bag of copepods and after trading with people online. Who else remembers the first time that happened lol. Needless to say I was rather shocked and my wifes only questions (repeated many times) "what the F*&K is that?" and "are those bugs?" lol





Wow, any suggestions on where I should go get a decent camera and what kind?

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Rescaping found a no so large bristle worm, hoping it is not a fire worm. I know it is a bad phone camera pic but any help would be great. It was the first time I cleaned/rescaped my tank after adding a bag of copepods and after trading with people online. Who else remembers the first time that happened lol. Needless to say I was rather shocked and my wifes only questions (repeated many times) "what the F*&K is that?" and "are those bugs?" lol





Wow, any suggestions on where I should go get a decent camera and what kind?


looks like a fire worm to me

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+1. Those common worms are actually fire worms, but many people get confused with that aspect. Fire worms are just one family (Amphinomidae) in the class Polychaeta ("bristle worms").

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