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Possible Leather Coral Hitch hiker?


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So I ordered WYSIWYG green stripe mushroom coral on some live rock, and have had a myriad of hitchikers...

I had a gorilla crab (donated to the LFS), quite a few feather dusters, a couple small astrea (like the size of a pencil eraser), and other various little critters...


These hitchikers baffle me, I think they are the beginnings of a leather coral, but could be mistaken...


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So I ordered WYSIWYG green stripe mushroom coral on some live rock, and have had a myriad of hitchikers...

I had a gorilla crab (donated to the LFS), quite a few feather dusters, a couple small astrea (like the size of a pencil eraser), and other various little critters...


These hitchikers baffle me, I think they are the beginnings of a leather coral, but could be mistaken...


Clove polyp article link




But they look more like Xenia to me ... the feathery extensions on the polyps would IMO tell me that they are Xenia



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When I got the rock w/ the shrooms, there was only one polyp, so whatever it is, it's doing pretty well to have a 2nd polyp after 3 weeks.


Thanks for the IDs!

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When I got the rock w/ the shrooms, there was only one polyp, so whatever it is, it's doing pretty well to have a 2nd polyp after 3 weeks.


Thanks for the IDs!


Xenia can indeed multiply rapidly, sometime too rapidly which is why hobbyists who have them and who get too many of them remove them or sell them or trade them.

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I was thinking of letting it grow a bit, then begin to trade it/sell it...


Is it too close to my mushrooms? You can see the edge of one mushroom on the right side of the pic...

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Anthelia was my thought as well. It can certainly be as rampant as Xenia, so be sure to keep an eye on it. They aren't an aggressive family in terms of stings/chemical warfare, but they can begin to take up a ton of realestate and shade specimens below them. They'll be fine with your mushroom.

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