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Does anyone feed...


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This? I have a 6 gallon all coral tank. I've been told I can feed zoas and LPS spectrum pellets, but I just cant bring myself to do it! I would much rather give them a form of free-floating food that they can pull out of the water like they would naturally. I would probably give like five drops every other night an hour after lights out, if I did try it. Anyone else do something different with it? Is that little amount even too much?
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This? I have a 6 gallon all coral tank. I've been told I can feed zoas and LPS spectrum pellets, but I just cant bring myself to do it! I would much rather give them a form of free-floating food that they can pull out of the water like they would naturally. I would probably give like five drops every other night an hour after lights out, if I did try it. Anyone else do something different with it? Is that little amount even too much?


ive only heard good reviews about rods. i myself dont use it. but i do use pellets to feed my LPS (fauna marin)

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People (and their corals) love Rod's food.



But as an aside, I feed my black sun coral pellets, and I know tons of people that do - just don't feed one thing and only one thing. I feed around 9 different types of food daily, so each fish, coral, and invert are always getting something different.

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I too have only heard good things. I just want someone who has good things to say to literally talk to me about it. Haha. I might buy it anyways just to give it a shot. I'm really just worried about how "condensed" the food is and my parameters.

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Love this food, feed all my fish and corals this. Essentially its a blend of various ingredients. I get a good response and growth from this food.

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