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Coral Vue Hydros

ID please.


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The purples-red ones look like something in my tank.


We never got a 100% positive ID when I asked here, but I was leaning towards a branching coralline algae...


I'll be watching this to see if you get a positive ID.

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Red ones are 100% without a doubt forams. The orange one has me stumped though


All are foraminiferans

Even the orange one?

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Red ones are 100% without a doubt forams. The orange one has me stumped though



Even the orange one?

I have them in my tanks, they have the "shell" and other characteristics

Either way, they are harmless and don't do anything

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I have them in my tanks, they have the "shell" and other characteristics

Either way, they are harmless and don't do anything



Cool. Thanks for the info. These came in on some live rock I bought. Unfortunately it also came with Aptasia. 1 small one from what I can tell. I need to get in there and get rid of him.

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Still forams without a doubt


I figured you were right. Just posting some up close shot. Tried to get a better shot of the orange one but just couldn't get it to focus.

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Is the orange one soft like a sponge, or hard like a coral ?


I actually haven't touched it. I will have to let you know when I get home.

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