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Cultivated Reef

Yellow Clown Goby Parasite?


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I added a yellow clown goby two weeks ago and noticed yellow growths or bumps and i am concerned he may have a parsite. Ive researched marine ich and i dont "think" its the cause as he is acting normal, eating voraciously, not rubbing or scratching or appear to be in discomfort. I have been supplementing feedings with selcon and garlic, as well as adding a skunk cleaner shrimp. I dont want to put the two black perculas at risk. I also dont want to stress the goby with harsh copper treatments or removal to hospital. Tank parameters are stable and everything else appears to be unaffected. I included two crappy photos from my iphone of the ill individual. I will try for a few better with a real camera momentarily. If anyone could help educate me or steer me in the right direction it would be appreciated.



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I added a yellow clown goby two weeks ago and noticed yellow growths or bumps and i am concerned he may have a parsite. Ive researched marine ich and i dont "think" its the cause as he is acting normal, eating voraciously, not rubbing or scratching or appear to be in discomfort. I have been supplementing feedings with selcon and garlic, as well as adding a skunk cleaner shrimp. I dont want to put the two black perculas at risk. I also dont want to stress the goby with harsh copper treatments or removal to hospital. Tank parameters are stable and everything else appears to be unaffected. I included two crappy photos from my iphone of the ill individual. I will try for a few better with a real camera momentarily. If anyone could help educate me or steer me in the right direction it would be appreciated.


cant really tell.. but i was at a LFS yesterday that got ich in one of their systems and ALL the fish hooked up to that system were infected. ich is very apparent, you'll see raised white spots


i can tell most fish had ich but the clown goby's had them the worst! it was very apparent, white spots all over. from that i could tell that clown gobys are very susceptible to the disease verses other fish (probably because they are not as active)

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