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Coral Vue Hydros

Green Grape went clear!


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Phone camera sorry but you can see the contrast. This was one of my first algaes. Woke up this morning and saw it was clear. I checked the water and nothing is out of whack, nitrates were a touch higher than normal and phosphates are high but everthing else in the tank seems fine even the kenya tree is open.



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Came home and yes it is jelly now. Clean it off the rock and call it a day? How do I avoid this, more light cycle? Nutrients to help? Been using iron supplement and as I said my phosphates are high but that has been the norm, learned about dry rock the hard way but love the stuff so, reactor and water changes.

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^That and prune old growth and keep new. macros do not last forever, unless you continue to propagate them. At some point they will "realize" they spread in every which direction,, reached maximum size and are now mature and it is time to release spores and spread the species.

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Johnmaloney- by pruning do you mean more of "topping" or could someone kind of do a before and after pic shot. Like i said before I am on a learning curve but any technique advice would be great. Either luck has been on my side or being diligent on the basics is my saving grace.

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