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Coral Vue Hydros

six line wrasse in a 25g?


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I kept one in a 20 gallon for years. It was never aggressive. I've had more issues with damsels being aggressive than a six-line wrasse. They do jump however, so I'd advise a top. That's how I lost mine after moving it from the 20 with top to a 40 with no top. Sadly found the little dude dried up on the floor. Definitely a good way to go if you'd like a fish with a lot of color and personality. They have every color on them and zip in and out of the rock work which is pretty sweet. They also supposedly will go after bristleworms though I still had and have quite the population. I now have a Gold Coralbanded Shrimp, who is going after those suckers!

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I'm looking to restock my tank and I wanted a fish that's fun to watch swim and an angel is def out the question. I had a problem with one and bad to bring it back. But I was Thikng two clowns. The wrasse and something to stir up the floor a little. And leave it at that

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I have 2 clowns and a 6line in a 20 long. The 6line completely ignores the clown and has never shown any aggression (yet). the clowns still chase each other once in a while.


Tho just a word of warning, it really does seem like it depends on the 6line's personality. Mine sees very docile while I'm sure others are not.

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