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zoa's wont open


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i have a new frag of radioactive dragon eye's they were open the first two days i had them now they are closed. ive checked them very closely for nudi's and i cant find anything on them. my water paramaters are all fine and salinity is 1.024. then i have two other zoa frags one is open and has about 16 heads the other however seems to have what looks like some sort of green hair algae? they havent opened in a few days.


any advice would be helpful thanks

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If you just got them, it will take a few days for them to adjust. Even though your parameters are within a safe range, your water quality could be slightly off from where you acquired them. They also go through a certain amount of stress during the transfer. Give them a week or so, and they should open back up.


As for the GHA, you might want to do some research here in the forums.

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orange and green zoa's looks like green hair algae but this is the only thing that has it.



dragon eye zoa's they look fine just not sure cuz they were opened full now they are closed could be stress just giving pics with the description



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Yep, looks like green hair algae. Like I said, do a search here. You can pick off as much of it as you can, and then follow the instructions in your search. It probably wouldn't hurt to leave your lights off for a day or so to retard the algae growth. Another thing that might have happened during your transfer of the Eagle Eyes, is that you may not have acclimated the frag like you should have. You also may have placed the frag in too much direct light immediately upon introducing it to the tank.

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That's definitely why they're not opening.


-Manually get as much as you can off.

-Take a spray bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide (h2o2) and spray it (away from the tank)

-Let it sit for 15 seconds, dip it in a separate cup of saltwater to rinse off what's left of the h2o2

-Put it back in the tank

-Don't move it around! It will be closed for a few more days but the algae can't continue growing on it


Hydrogen Peroxide kills the root of the hair algae and doesn't hurt zoas with this limited exposure. I've done it to a few of my paly's and zoas a while ago and the hair algae turned white afte a few days and died without any ill effects to my zoos


You can buy a spray bottle of h2o2 at walmart for less than 2$ btw

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That's definitely why they're not opening.


-Manually get as much as you can off.

-Take a spray bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide (h2o2) and spray it (away from the tank)

-Let it sit for 15 seconds, dip it in a separate cup of saltwater to rinse off what's left of the h2o2

-Put it back in the tank

-Don't move it around! It will be closed for a few more days but the algae can't continue growing on it


Hydrogen Peroxide kills the root of the hair algae and doesn't hurt zoas with this limited exposure. I've done it to a few of my paly's and zoas a while ago and the hair algae turned white afte a few days and died without any ill effects to my zoos


You can buy a spray bottle of h2o2 at walmart for less than 2$ btw

not to hijack this thread but "I'm old Gregg" Love the Boosh lol

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I zoas wouldn't open and I thought it was due to bristle worms being wrapped around them. I changed my chemi pure elite this morning(month over due) and they almost opened within a couple hours.

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