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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Acan Feeding


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I have a few Acans, two heads per. I was wondering on the feeding habits of others. I've read every other day, once a week and never, which is to say that's enough opinion to be inconclusive. So experimenting a little, they seem to readily take most food with a smile but I don't know when too much is too much. The largest two heads are about an inch across at the tentacle ring.


Just looking to get a routine down as I travel a bit and task my wife with the top-off and other stuff in my absence. If she had it her way she'd feed them hourly because she and my daughter think it's cool to watch :huh:


Thanks in advance.

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Thanks. When did you know they'd had enough? Sorry to sound stupid on this. Maybe mysis don't taste like California Burritos to Acans.

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I feed my acans at night once the lights are off. That's when their tentacles are out. You can do 1 or 2 pieces of mysis in each head if you have the time and the heads will close up. I just have a thin turkey baster, mix up some fauna marin pellets with cyclopeeze and mix it up few times a week. Have to be careful to be able to control it because if you feed allot that goes to waste your parameters will get out of the norm.

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Thanks. When did you know they'd had enough? Sorry to sound stupid on this. Maybe mysis don't taste like California Burritos to Acans.


Mmmmm California burrito, I knew you were from SD before I even saw your profile! You know Mexican food restaurants further North give me the weirdest looks when I try to order one, it makes me sad.

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Mmmmm California burrito, I knew you were from SD before I even saw your profile! You know Mexican food restaurants further North give me the weirdest looks when I try to order one, it makes me sad.

Haha. Yea, my Doctor and I are at odds on the value of these in my diet. They do make me happy though. Funny how once you get past Anaheim Mexican Food as I know it ceases to exist.

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Im curious as well. Whats the best all around target feeding food for SPS. Id loke to know. My canycanes, and torch are growin like crazy and I dont feed anything. id loke to feed some on top of that as im sure the results would be fricken awesome.


So, whats good?

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Im curious as well. Whats the best all around target feeding food for SPS. Id loke to know. My canycanes, and torch are growin like crazy and I dont feed anything. id loke to feed some on top of that as im sure the results would be fricken awesome.

I don't have any SPS and I doubt they need what LPS do. That said, I feed my LPS frozen mini mysis and a frozen spirulina/meaty mix.

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I meant my LPS, not sps lol. my bad. Was wondering what the all around best food for LPS is. Salifert pellets ive heard from some one are fantastic to target feed each head. Then of course I hear brine, and mysis. Whats the real deal? I want to maximize growth and spread as fast as possible on my LPS.

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Brine shrimp are like junk food and have little nutritional value. Mysis are better. Haven't tried pellets myself. I have good luck with frozen mysis and a spirulina/meaty mix. They'll pretty much eat anytime of the day I've found out and I rarely wait until lights out. Lately I backed down the feeding to see what happens. So far just more stretched tentacle extension is all I see different.

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I just started to feed fauna Marin lps pellets. scans seem to love them. they're a lil pricey but I've read that they're the best so figured I'd try.

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