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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Candy Coral Care


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Okay, so today i just bought a Candy Coral Frag from my lfs and put it in my 15 gallon biocube. Right now its looking good but i wanted to know some stuff about it. Does anyone know how to feed it or something that will make it healthier? :D

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Aka trumpet coral is that what you mean? If so, med light and flow are all it needs,but when it's sweeper tentacles are out you can feed it mysis or anything else meaty. That helps mine grow faster. Feeding it is easy just use a turkey baster and lightly blow food towards its tentacles. They usually grab on pretty quickly and curl the food in towards the mouth and devour it.

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Okay, so today i just bought a Candy Coral Frag from my lfs and put it in my 15 gallon biocube. Right now its looking good but i wanted to know some stuff about it. Does anyone know how to feed it or something that will make it healthier? :D


I dont directly feed mine anything. I feed my fish- and my trumpet coral candy cane is constantly growing. I have one trumpet coral colony much bigger than the size of a softball.

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Marine cuisine is a mix of meaty foods. I'm sure you could feed it that. Anything it can catch that's meaty it will eat. Mines kind trained so if I stir up the sand or blow detritus off the rocks it will stick out its tentacles then I can feed it. Otherwise it's hit or miss when it lets it tentacles out. Usually after the lights go out is when you'll see the most extension.

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