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Innovative Marine Aquariums

My Old or rather New tank


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What's up people, My name is Matt and I thought I'd finally join the discussion. I'm not exactly new to the hobby as I've had several saltwater & reef tanks growing up. I'm setting up my Aquapod 24 that I've had for some time. It is currently cycling. I have previously had this tank setup and lost the battle with hair algae and decided to take it down. This time I'm determine to succeed. I considered investing in a new tank as the RSM are sexy however I thought this old beast would do just fine. Besides, I'm not convinced that the lighting on the RSM 130D would be adequate.


Basically my hardware is the same but I do have some new toys. I've purchased a Tunze 9002 skimmer (which is very quiet by the way) to go into my Aquafuge 2 that I previously used. I have also purchase the Tunze 3155 Osmotator ATO. Here is the breakdown...


Aquapod 24g

Sunpod 150 MH w/ 14k Phoenix bulb (Bulb is not that old however I will replace once I start introducing coral)

Aquafuge 2 medium w/ standard rio I think pump

Maxi - Jet 1200 for my return currenly however I also have a Maxi - Jet 3000 that I was using with my JBJ Artica 1/10 HP chiller not currently installed do to the fact that summer will be over by the time my tank cycles.

Tunze 3155 Osmotator ATO

Tunze 9002 Skimmer (mounted inside the Aquafuge)

Stealth heater


20ish #s of live rock

Live sand in the DT & refugium

I've just added FIJI mud into the refugium which I never used before


Before the skimmer, I used the stock light for the Aquafuge 2. Now that I have the skimmer I made a partial cover however I used glue not knowing to use solvent. It doesn't look as good however I don't know if it's worth the cost of making it again with weld on as it's not really weight bearing. I have to get a new light for the fuge in the 6-10" range to grow macro as stock light will no longer fit.


Bascially my wife prefers the AIO design of it's previous life before I removed the top and added the Sunpod and all the other gadgets. Me being a guy, I'm like more power! I need to get a refractometer as my swing arms are now giving me different readings. I still have some work making this thing pretty again.


I'd appreciate any suggestions or recommendations.



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What's up people, My name is Matt and I thought I'd finally join the discussion.
Hey Matt, welcome.


I considered investing in a new tank as the RSM are sexy however I thought this old beast would do just fine.
Yep, I should think so.


I've purchased a Tunze 9002 skimmer (which is very quiet by the way) to go into my Aquafuge 2 that I previously used. I have also purchase the Tunze 3155 Osmotator ATO.


Sunpod 150 MH w/ 14k Phoenix bulb (Bulb is not that old however I will replace once I start introducing coral)
Sounds like a good idea.



Do you have another powerhead in the display?

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Do you have another powerhead in the display?


Do you think I need one? The 1200 being new puts out a good amount of current. And I use the 3000 externally when I pump to my chiller which would be piped to the return. Are you suggesting something like a Koralia for increased flow? My primary concern is keeping the DT as natural in appearance as possible.


Also interested in combatting nuisance algae before it becomes out of control like last time which is why I introduced the skimmer. I previously grew chaeto in the fuge which grew like weeds which I will do again. I plan on testing for phosphate but I've read how challenging that can be. I'm considering a BRS GFO reactor should I experience excessive growth again. My water supply is RODI from my filter that I test regularly.


Thank you for your assistance.

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I feel that a 24 gallon tank would benefit from 500gph to 900gph (even more with SPS). Working as a return pump (with added head pressure), it will produce less flow than its maximum rating. I feel that another powerhead help you achieve good flow.

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