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To go refug or not


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Two heaters 79-80.3

Two aquaclear 70s

Almost 40lbs live sand

10lbs LR

Pair of clowns, fire angel, damisel, two turbo snails, sandsifting star, convict.

Just got my first rock with green mushrooms on it and a nice start of star polyp.


no more fish, just soft corals and maybe a shrimp or some random little cleaners.


So, I've got two ten gallon tanks just sitting under the table which has the 20gL on it. I haven't had a problem going refug-less but have been reading more and more the benifits and options it opens up. Thinking I should give it a go. Would like to go DIY as much as I can, gives me something to do. I know I'll want to move to a larger tank down the road and would def want a refug with that tank, so why not get my experience now. I've been reading lots of stuff and was hoping I could get some more personal opinions.

Also, have never used a skimmer and at least from my limited experience have felt I haven't needed one, since frankly everything is alive happy and growing. I have just started adding calcium and other trace elements for the soft corals and don't know if this introduction of chemicals warrants revisiting the skimmer debate.


Anyway! Like I said, got extra tanks I could use. Been reading some aquaclear remodels that are pretty awesome. ..

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Two heaters 79-80.3

Two aquaclear 70s

Almost 40lbs live sand

10lbs LR

Pair of clowns, fire angel, damisel, two turbo snails, sandsifting star, convict.

Just got my first rock with green mushrooms on it and a nice start of star polyp.


no more fish, just soft corals and maybe a shrimp or some random little cleaners.


So, I've got two ten gallon tanks just sitting under the table which has the 20gL on it. I haven't had a problem going refug-less but have been reading more and more the benifits and options it opens up. Thinking I should give it a go. Would like to go DIY as much as I can, gives me something to do. I know I'll want to move to a larger tank down the road and would def want a refug with that tank, so why not get my experience now. I've been reading lots of stuff and was hoping I could get some more personal opinions.

Also, have never used a skimmer and at least from my limited experience have felt I haven't needed one, since frankly everything is alive happy and growing. I have just started adding calcium and other trace elements for the soft corals and don't know if this introduction of chemicals warrants revisiting the skimmer debate.


Anyway! Like I said, got extra tanks I could use. Been reading some aquaclear remodels that are pretty awesome. ..


Unfortunately, I can't give you a definitive answer. What I can share is my personal experience and thoughts. First, you're keeping softies exclusively from the sounds of things so a protein skimmer doesn't need to be high on your list. They give you a bit of fudge factor around water changes but many soft corals prefer systems with higher nutrients that aggressive skimming removes. Second, don't dose anything you're not testing for (what are your current calcium levels?) and soft corals generally do not benefit from additions of calcium the way SPS does. Onto the fuge - I never noticed much in the way of results with mine but I know they're popular on NR. If you're looking into nutrient export, I recommend you look into algae turf scrubbers. That said, if everything's happy, growing, and your parameters are fine... you're doing it right already. Keep it up and don't sweat the fact that others use them unless you have a reason (more demanding corals, issues with coloration, growth, or nitrates) to change. :)

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