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Innovative Marine Aquariums

18" or 24" tall tank


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Really my only question is should I go with the taller tank both are 24"X24" with height being the only difference. I rent and have limited space and it would be easier to move when the time comes. Thoughts, idea's, experiences.

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Honestly there's not THAT much of a difference from a height perspective - 24" may allow for a more interesting aquascape. I feel like you should think more about the other dimensions and what the additional height means in terms of water changes, fish you can keep, etc.

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Honestly in terms of water changes, there's not a lot of difference, 10 gallons vs 12 gallons. And as far as fish I always look at the footprint as aposed to total volume. A bottom dwelling fish is gonna have the same area to swim even if the tank is 6' tall. My reason for the height question was due to lighting issues. I like the deeper tank myself but some people prefer the shallow tanks. I am considering LED lighting but also looking at MH.

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Honestly in terms of water changes, there's not a lot of difference, 10 gallons vs 12 gallons. And as far as fish I always look at the footprint as aposed to total volume. A bottom dwelling fish is gonna have the same area to swim even if the tank is 6' tall. My reason for the height question was due to lighting issues. I like the deeper tank myself but some people prefer the shallow tanks. I am considering LED lighting but also looking at MH.



So, if you prefer deeper tanks and everything else is a non-issue, what is your question? Both LED's are MH come in forms that will more than adequately light 24" of water.

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I never said I like deeper tanks in general, I like it on this particulate tank. My question was more of an opinion gathering expedition on peoples likes and dislikes. If you don't care for my question feel free to go answer another.

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