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Coral Vue Hydros

Hermit crab issues!


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I recently posted how my hermit crabs were near my blastos after several hours after directly feeding my blastos. Keep in my mind me hermits are green 3 of them in a 6 gallon tank.


Today I came home and say the blasto. It looked as if it was turned inside out! Then I see 2 hermits next to it eating the pellets I fed the blasto several hours ago.


It is my assumption the blasto was still in the process of digesting and the crabs dug in to the coral to get the food. Has anyone ever experienced this? Are these hermit crabs that bad? Ive had other hermits before (scarlets, blue legges, zebra hermits) Are these guys reef safe? I am pulling them out immediately and placing them in my 22 gal with no corals for the meantime. Any advice would help. its not like I dont feed them. I always place pellets on the sand bed for my snails and hermits to grab on. Always enough for everybody. These guys also do a great job cleaning any excess food, better than the snails.

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Deleted User 3

Mine tip over and clean my zoas, but haven't eaten anything, but I have not fed my zoas, I have dwarf zebra hermits I think. Maybe they dont get as much food as you think? Hermits are stubborn MOFOS imho lol. mine duel with each other, and constantly knock over just 2 of the 5 coral frags I have .. constantly. they never seem to rush to pellets when i feed everything. Maybe the green ones aren't good?



Green ones aren't on this list.

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