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Coral Vue Hydros



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The heater on my tank cracked and released the black chemicals into the tank and the corals are not lookin good. I'm in the process of doing a very large water change (over 50 percent) is there anything we can do to save the tank? Thanks.

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The heater on my tank cracked and released the black chemicals into the tank and the corals are not lookin good. I'm in the process of doing a very large water change (over 50 percent) is there anything we can do to save the tank? Thanks.

Do big water changes, like u said u would. This sucks. Luckily never has happened to me. Maybe some whom this has happened to could chime in. Not sure what else u can do.

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infinite abyss

yikes, maybe have some local reefers hold some zoas if things are bad.


otherwise just do whatever possible to make them survive and hope for the best


good luck!

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