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torch coral best location?


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Just got a torch from my lfs super stoked a baby frag i put it in my frony left corner of my jbj 12nano tank after a few hourss it opened a flowed its tenticls it been two weeks since n im concernd with it ... opens when light go on n retracts at night but dosent seem to flow its tenties as much but it does look as if it got a bit bigger mabey i just stare at it to much butd b my questions is why isnt it flowing as much is it location and were would be best to put id like it to grow as much.. my clown wants to host in it n its small do they grow quick. Any info would b great im new n im love with the hobby ..vik thanks :mellow:

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There could be any number of reasons why your torch isnt opening up as much., From lighting., to flow., to water parameters.,., If your clown fish is rubbing around in it that can certainly cause it to retract a little,.,, But bottom line is as long as its coming out at all its probably fine.

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They like medium light medium flow., It should blow around a decent amount but not enough to where its being beat up by the current.

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They like medium light medium flow., It should blow around a decent amount but not enough to where its being beat up by the current.


Thanks alot for the info helps alott ill try moving it around ..whats the grow rate?

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