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Cycle/Algae questions


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I'm confused on whether I'm cycled completely or not because I read that if you get cured live rock then you're instantly cycled and the live rock I have has been sitting in a tank at my lfs for a couple months. I'm still trying to be very patient but I would like to get a CUC in there because I've got quite a bit of green algae that has been growing on the rock. And this might be a stupid question but whats a diatom bloom? And what exactly does all the green algae mean? Good or bad? Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

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I'm confused on whether I'm cycled completely or not because I read that if you get cured live rock then you're instantly cycled and the live rock I have has been sitting in a tank at my lfs for a couple months. I'm still trying to be very patient but I would like to get a CUC in there because I've got quite a bit of green algae that has been growing on the rock. And this might be a stupid question but whats a diatom bloom?


Tell us your parameters!!! A diatom bloom is basically when you have a bunch of brown algae in your tank.

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If youre growing algae thats a pretty good indicator that your there., Your water probably shouldnt be testing all zeros though., Youll have at least some nitrates.,


Either way, if your dying to, go ahead and throw in your clean up crew., Snails and hermits are tough anyways.

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I just turned my little filter off that had chemi pure elite in it to see if I could get a nitrate reading. If all looks good I'll probably get a CUC when my sand gets here :)

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That might be it. I have had my light on a 12 hour schedule for the first three days and changed it to 5 today. I'll let you know if I get some nitrates tmrw :P

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Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate are all at 0 still

pH and salinity are the same as well.


Also I got some more green algae, on the glass this time tho so I cleaned it off with an algae magnet

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