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Innovative Marine Aquariums

JBJ 12g DX NanoCube


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Tank was running fine for 2 years and then I went away for a week for work and my heater fried and when into over drive and heated the tank to 98°F. By the time I got home I lost everything except my ORA Semi Picasso Clown, a few snails and 2 hermit crabs. 2 day later the clown jumped into the back filter and was sucked into the pump head first. By the time I found him his eyes were pulled out of his head. :angry: My 4 year old was devastated. So at this point I decided to change out the substrate, I had the Carib Sea Pacific Black Live Sand and the black lava pieces were really large and made the detritus stand out. So I drained the tank into buckets scooped out all the live sand and replaced it with normal Carib Sea white sand. So I thought I would document the process of the tank redo.


Swapping the substrate caused a mini cycle that I think I am finally through water quality wise. (Still need the snails to eat the diatoms). Last nights water test is below.


Specific Gravity: 1.024

Temp: 81°F (Working on lowering this alittle. Probably need to leave the AC on all day.)

pH: 8.2

Alkalinity: 9 dKH

Ammonia: 0

Nitrate: 0

Nitrite: 0

Phosphate: 0

Calcium: 420 ppm


So as the title says it's a JBJ 12g DX NanoCube. It is slightly modified with a nanotuners.com PC upgrade giving it 96W of light. I upgraded the pump to a MaxiJet 900 (Thinking over moving to the 1100) and have a Hydor Koralia Nano PH.


Current Inhabitants

1x Ocellaris Clownfish, Tank Bred

1x Banded Porcelain Crab

1x Peppermint Shrimp

4x Bumble Bee Snails

2x Turbo Snails

3x Super Tongan Nassarius Snail

2x Hermit Crabs (I forget which ones they are)



So on to the pics.






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Just ordered a few frags. I will post some pics once I get them in the tank.


ORA Marshall Islands Purple Mushrooms

DFS Orange Eye Leptastrea Coral

DFS Keylime Ridge Platygyra Brain Coral

TCN Green Glow Cinnamon Polyps

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Tank was running fine for 2 years and then I went away for a week for work and my heater fried and when into over drive and heated the tank to 98°F. By the time I got home I lost everything except my ORA Semi Picasso Clown, a few snails and 2 hermit crabs. 2 day later the clown jumped into the back filter and was sucked into the pump head first. By the time I found him his eyes were pulled out of his head. :angry: My 4 year old was devastated. So at this point I decided to change out the substrate, I had the Carib Sea Pacific Black Live Sand and the black lava pieces were really large and made the detritus stand out. So I drained the tank into buckets scooped out all the live sand and replaced it with normal Carib Sea white sand. So I thought I would document the process of the tank redo.


Swapping the substrate caused a mini cycle that I think I am finally through water quality wise. (Still need the snails to eat the diatoms). Last nights water test is below.


Specific Gravity: 1.024

Temp: 81°F (Working on lowering this alittle. Probably need to leave the AC on all day.)

pH: 8.2

Alkalinity: 9 dKH

Ammonia: 0

Nitrate: 0

Nitrite: 0

Phosphate: 0

Calcium: 420 ppm


So as the title says it's a JBJ 12g DX NanoCube. It is slightly modified with a nanotuners.com PC upgrade giving it 96W of light. I upgraded the pump to a MaxiJet 900 (Thinking over moving to the 1100) and have a Hydor Koralia Nano PH.


Current Inhabitants

1x Ocellaris Clownfish, Tank Bred

1x Banded Porcelain Crab

1x Peppermint Shrimp

4x Bumble Bee Snails

2x Turbo Snails

3x Super Tongan Nassarius Snail

2x Hermit Crabs (I forget which ones they are)



So on to the pics.






Man, Im so sorry to hear that. Cant believe the heater thing. Makes me not even want to have one inside my tank. Glad to hear your back up and running.


All these NC12 threads are making me miss my old tank. :(


Sorry about the heater disaster; tagging along for the revival.

Make one come back to life! ;)


Looks like hardcore diatoms. It'll go away fast.
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