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Innovative Marine Aquariums



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Well for all us who have kids we are about to inundated with request to buy a "Nemo". If you don't already have one. My LFS received a message from Disney letting them know that they will be re-releasing Finding Nemo in 3D this year. This is actually what prompted me to get into this hobby in the first place. My 3 year old is dying for me to get her a Nemo and Dori for my new tank. Patience is not one of her virtues. Told her we can a nemo but dori had to stay at the pet store.

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Lol, what is your lfs that Disney feels the need to message them personally? It's been on commercials for a while now. I'm sure I will be dragged to watch it.

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i loved the first one, and ill be going to the 3d version!


right after nemo came out, i went to the baltimore aquarium, and started singing the just keep swimming song when i saw the first tang, and had about 100 people start laughing their asses off...LOL

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Lol, what is your lfs that Disney feels the need to message them personally? It's been on commercials for a while now. I'm sure I will be dragged to watch it.


No idea why they contacted them directly. Just what they said. They have been the premier pet store in my town for over 25 years. Pretty much the only pet store. Though I'm not really a fan.

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