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Which goby would you choose?


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I'm trying to decided between a yellow watchman or a green clown. I'm looking for peoples experience with both.


Any tank details you can share?


Yellow Watchman and Green Clown Goby are different fish in many ways... are you looking for a bottom dweller or a coral croucher?

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The tank is a fluval edge 6 gallon, right now all that is in the tank is a small clown about 3/4" long and the cuc. I was wanting something for the middle to bottom of the tank but I want something that has color. Eventulally the tank will have some zoas and lps as well.

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YWG can get rather large, and the green clown goby is known to be slightly picky eaters at first and can present problems for your sps corals in such a small tank. Stonogobiops sound like a better option to me.

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The clownfish will eventually get too large, I would go with the clown goby.


I am aware that is why I start them out small. I have been outta the game for about 7 year's, back then I had a 30 gallon setup until an ice storm killed the power for about 8 days and I lost everything. Eventually when the clown outgrows the tank I will trade him for a smaller one, that is if I don't have my planned 40 breeder up and running by then.

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I currently have a YWG who is very fun to watch, esp with his tiger shrimp. But I have to say the best fish I've every had was my yellow clown goby. He had THE best personality, ate EVERYTHING i gave him, and was friendly with all other inhabitants. Idk if they have the same personality as the green though.


Have you considered a tailspot blenny? They stay small and have very comical and outgoing personalities. I loved mine till he went carpet surfing :(

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I currently have a YWG who is very fun to watch, esp with his tiger shrimp. But I have to say the best fish I've every had was my yellow clown goby. He had THE best personality, ate EVERYTHING i gave him, and was friendly with all other inhabitants. Idk if they have the same personality as the green though.


Have you considered a tailspot blenny? They stay small and have very comical and outgoing personalities. I loved mine till he went carpet surfing :(


I am open to other fish ideas. But my main priority is they be colorful. I used to have a purple firefish in my 30 and loved his color but I'm afraid he would be constantly spooked in my tank and try to jump, not that he could really go anywhere in a fluval edge.

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I am open to other fish ideas. But my main priority is they be colorful. I used to have a purple firefish in my 30 and loved his color but I'm afraid he would be constantly spooked in my tank and try to jump, not that he could really go anywhere in a fluval edge.



Yeah, firefish are like that. They are really beautiful though. Another fish that stays small and is fun to watch is a Hancock Barnacle Blenny. I just saw them at a LFS and now I'm in love with their lipstick muppet faces!


Can you tell I'm a sucker for gobies/blennies???? :lol:

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My Yellow Watchman and Tiger Pistol shrimp are the highlight of my aquarium. The goby greets you when you come up to the tank and then quickly goes back to her guard duties.

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