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Pay Phone Tank

JoshuA c

Worth the effort?  

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My neighbors were in the pay phone business but because of cellphones, they have all of them in their house now and are giving them away. I picked one up and the coin mec works, but the smart board is gone so i can't use the phone as a phone. There is a decent amount of room in side the compartment f i take every thing out. So, obviously, i start thinking about making it into a tank. It would be cool if i could get it to work.

I was thinking about doing a filter that goes up on top of the tank, just really small, and then a DIY led fixture for lighting.

I don't really know what ecosystem i would make in this tank.

Also i was thinking of taking out the coin mec, making a slot for coins to go into the vault chamber. I have the keys and everything for that.

Any comments or advice are welcome.

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It' be neat. Have you seen the one they did on that show Tanked? I know its a terrible show in the sense that they don't seem to care for the animals well or offer up any info on how to care for them, and honestly I don't want to turn your thread into an "omfgweallhatetanked!!" explosion.


here's what they did for maybe an idea?



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