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Cultivated Reef

Open Lid Aquarium and Intestinal Problems


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Hello All,


Let me start off by saying that yes I know its a little off topic, but I felt you guys would probably offer more insight on the subject than those on yahoo.


Anyways, a month ago I decided to remove the lid of my aquarium, and around this time I began having serious intestinal issues. I left on vacation after that and had no problems, I tried sleeping in other rooms and again no problems even in the middle of the issues. Again this month I tried sleeping with the lid on and no problems but immediately the night following my removal of the top the problems start up. And they are really painful.


Anybody have experience? I have two large zoa colonies, and just regular corals in there. I know its a different question, bu I'd really appreciate some help.




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I dont know what I would say. Becausr at this point im pretty positive its the fish tank. So thats why I asked here first considering he probably doesnt have a clue about aquariums.

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Do u have a calcium reactor? Injecting co2? What additives do you use/how often?


Do u get hives (swelling, redness, rash) from touching the tank water?


Do u have adverse reactions to high humidity?


Need moar diagnostics

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There are many different forms of allergies people can have with saltwater. You can get tested for that. Do you run an air stone or any thing that throws up a salt spray into the room? How big is the room and how close is the tank to your bed?

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Do u have a calcium reactor? Injecting co2? What additives do you use/how often?


Do u get hives (swelling, redness, rash) from touching the tank water?


Do u have adverse reactions to high humidity?


Need moar diagnostics


I dose with prime for ammonia. And two fish and a shrimp died while I was on vacation. No one was there to take the

Out but im guessing the hermits ate them. Other than that no dosing.


There are many different forms of allergies people can have with saltwater. You can get tested for that. Do you run an air stone or any thing that throws up a salt spray into the room? How big is the room and how close is the tank to your bed?


I ran an airstone for about a week a month ago.

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Go see a doctor.


Explain the symptoms and what you've observed. He'll probably do a couple tests and refer you to an allergy specialist.

Whatever the problem is, waiting will not help, whether you have an allergy or ulcers or tumors or worse. Self-diagnosis is a bad idea.

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intestinal problems aren't something you want to mess around with, trust me. i highly doubt its environmental. most digestive problems are either going to be an infection/bacteria or autoimmune related. go see a doctor, it could be serious.

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