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Coral Vue Hydros

Aptasia and Bubble Algae at my LFS.


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So I took a trip to my LFS this weekend after setting up my 29 gallon biocube. I have about 20# of dry rock and 30# of live sand. I wanted to seed my dry rock with some live. After looking around in my LFS live rock tank I noticed that lots of pieces had these cool looking anemones. So I asked one of the workers and he said it was Aptasia and was considered a pest. I have heard of Aptasia but never looked it up. I was a bit surprised after looking around in most of their other tanks only to find that almost every tank I looked in I found Aptasia. Then I notice this green algae with little bubbles. I remembered reading something about bubble algae and after talking to worker again. Yup, their tanks had bubble algae in quite a few. Now he said they put the bubble algae in certain tanks to feed some of the inverts and fish. Lets not talk about the amount of hair algae. But I have no idea why they don't take care of the Aptasia. I read about people fighting this stuff all the time. And here my LFS doesn't seem to care at all. I guess that's just business.Well I carefully selected about 5# that didn't appear to have any Aptasia. Now should I be wrong and I do have some. What is the best method of getting rid of it? I seen some doing a Calcium overdose on them directly with a needle. Sad part here is this is the only LFS that sells saltwater livestock. Over an hour drive to the next fish store. Any know of a good online Fish retailer. Not sure if I really want to purchase too much from my LFS. If they care that little about their tanks I know they don't care much about mine.

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I had good luck with joes juice for the few I had, which I later found out was basically just kalkwasser. If you only have a couple you could go this route, it was quick and easy. Or if its on a small rock just pull the rock and dry it out.


If you are infested a biological control might be a better idea. Or laser them to death.

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Some amount of nuisance algae and pests at a LFS is expected. What you described sounds more like neglect though. I would avoid them in the future.


Do a search on this forum for the different pests you will encounter and how to counteract them. The key to dealing with all of these problems is to control them early on before try get out of hand. Dipping any further aquisitions to your tank will be helpful as well. Good luck.

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So I took a trip to my LFS this weekend after setting up my 29 gallon biocube. I have about 20# of dry rock and 30# of live sand. I wanted to seed my dry rock with some live. After looking around in my LFS live rock tank I noticed that lots of pieces had these cool looking anemones. So I asked one of the workers and he said it was Aptasia and was considered a pest. I have heard of Aptasia but never looked it up. I was a bit surprised after looking around in most of their other tanks only to find that almost every tank I looked in I found Aptasia. Then I notice this green algae with little bubbles. I remembered reading something about bubble algae and after talking to worker again. Yup, their tanks had bubble algae in quite a few. Now he said they put the bubble algae in certain tanks to feed some of the inverts and fish. Lets not talk about the amount of hair algae. But I have no idea why they don't take care of the Aptasia. I read about people fighting this stuff all the time. And here my LFS doesn't seem to care at all. I guess that's just business.Well I carefully selected about 5# that didn't appear to have any Aptasia. Now should I be wrong and I do have some. What is the best method of getting rid of it? I seen some doing a Calcium overdose on them directly with a needle. Sad part here is this is the only LFS that sells saltwater livestock. Over an hour drive to the next fish store. Any know of a good online Fish retailer. Not sure if I really want to purchase too much from my LFS. If they care that little about their tanks I know they don't care much about mine.


Liveaquaria.com is a great online livestock site, if you live in the states! I live in Canada, just accross the border from Detroit, I know some people who have PO boxes in the D and order to said PO box and just cross the border, pick em up and come back. I've heard nothing but great things about that site, but never personally used it!

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My advice is to drive the hour and go to a quality store.


+2 long drives to fish stores just gives me a good excuse to roll a left handed cigarette :P

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Hahahaha I'm guessing you don't know what a lefty is, or you don't approve :(

I have no idea what it is, and I probably don't approve! :lol:

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Interestingly enough, the LFS I had mentioned before with GBA and aiptaisia has successfully eliminated the GBA from all of the tanks and eliminated the aiptaisia from all but the one tank where they keep peppermint shrimp.

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Thanks for all the info. My LFS i a pretty good sized store and has been around for many many years. They sell a good selection of fish and corals. Have a really nice display tank. (which is not infested with aptasia). They sell fresh and salted RO/DI water. They offer all kinds of services for your home/buisness tank. They will do your cleaning, water changes, testing and everything. I was just really surprised at how little concern they had knowing they have these issues and yet not caring if they continue to sell it to their customer. The guy was like. "Well, everyone will have to deal with this stuff at some point". I was a bit put back by that stance. If you want someone to give up on this hobby quick. Then start them off on the wrong foot. You want a return customer then get your $*!& together. I will be looking into other stores and online. The hour drive gonna suck though. I haven't even been to it yet so I have no idea if they are any better. I did see a website for a local Reef group. May drop them a line and see if anyone is selling/trading.

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