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Top Shelf Aquatics

65 gallon pricing


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I am looking at buying a 65 reef ready aquarium and was just wondering what a good price would be. The local store is asking 300. Is that about average for a price. Any imput would be appreciated.



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I am looking at buying a 65 reef ready aquarium and was just wondering what a good price would be. The local store is asking 300. Is that about average for a price. Any imput would be appreciated.





manufacturer? tank only?

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Wow, Mine was non drilled for $150, double seems really high just to have a couple holes in it. I drilled mine myself. My tank is an Aqueon.

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Micro-Reefs Aquariums

Is it glass, acrylic does it come with tops, does it have rounded edges, does it have starfire, does it have blue/black background?

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I believe it is a marineland or all glass aquarium with a built in over flow on the left hand portion of the tank. The price is for the tank only. I can go to petsmart and pick up a 57 gal aquarium stand and lights for 249 right now and all i would be missing is 6 inches in width on the other hand I have always wanted built in over flows in my tank. is the built in worth the extra cost?


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It's not a terrible price for a new tank. In my experience, having a drilled tank is priceless if you are going to use a sump tank.

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So I guess seems how I live in North Dakota 300 is probably a fair price to pay. There is one store localy that t specializes in salt and 2 petstores that try. Thanks for the info and reply's from everyone. I will post on my build and have more questions to run buy everyone.

thanks again


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