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day job


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i tried to find the day job thread I saw a few days ago, but can't be bothered with sifting through anymore pages.. totally unrelated to reefing, but maybe there's some gamers here.. i did the music for a ps3 game that will be released on PSN aug 21st. check it out - Retro/Grade


here are some reviews: some good some bad...









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i tried to find the day job thread I saw a few days ago, but can't be bothered with sifting through anymore pages..
Well, if you can't be bothered with it, then let me do the search for you. :rolleyes:


totally unrelated to reefing, but maybe there's some gamers here.
Yeah, unrelated lounge topic. There are some gaming threads out there, but you might have to search for them. ;)
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Thats very cool! My son and I actually like a lot of the music thats now in gaming, it adds a lot to the mood and overall feel. Little Big Planet is one that comes to mind with some great stuff but recently we prefer to shoot things with something a little heavier rolling in the background. I will definitly look up some of your work, thanks for turning us on to it.

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That actually is pretty cool. For some reason I missed the part where you did the music (so I guess it's not that off topic).

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sorry i had a few too many drinks last night and you know, should probably be locked out of my computer at least I didn't get on facebook... little big planet is a cool game. im more in to games like uncharted, metal gear, skyrim.. but i think little big planet is really amazing graphically and fun. had a good time making the music for retro/grade, that project lasted 2 years. small indy developed game for ps3

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sorry i had a few too many drinks last night and you know, should probably be locked out of my computer at least I didn't get on facebook... little big planet is a cool game. im more in to games like uncharted, metal gear, skyrim.. but i think little big planet is really amazing graphically and fun. had a good time making the music for retro/grade, that project lasted 2 years. small indy developed game for ps3





SKYRIM! its all my son and I did for 3 months straight. He is only 9 but is definitly with it when it comes to gaming. WE are into Fallout as well, just takes up so much time. I know what some of you may be thinking allowing my 9 year old play mature games but we really enjoy doing it together and figuring out the quests.

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