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what to do with stung acan.


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i recently bought a rainbow acan frag for $10. it has 1 full polyp and 6, 1/2 polyps. the LFS said this could be a 70$ frag. but due to stung polyps it was ten bucks. what can i do to get these stung polyps to grow back? any help will be great!!!!

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these acans are so small what should i feed them. the local coral store said oyster feast and phyto. anyhing else?. the polyp is about a nickle in size. any help?thanks!!

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I have rods food that I feed mine. Break off a piece, defrost it in a small container with tank water and then shoot them into the polyps with a turkey baster.

Mine eat both types of pellets that I have fed my fish too.

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when looking for good growth, you want to find something with high amino acids. also make sure that you dont overfeed and add more nutrients than your system can handle.

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when looking for good growth, you want to find something with high amino acids. also make sure that you dont overfeed and add more nutrients than your system can handle.

Now my acan is doing bad. He's been attacked by my two sexies!! Now I have the frag under a half cut water bottle hope it heals up.

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Now my acan is doing bad. He's been attacked by my two sexies!! Now I have the frag under a half cut water bottle hope it heals up.


feed more often to save it. 2-3 times a week now because he's probably really pissed off now.

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