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Cultivated Reef

budget 5 gallon pico


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I have had a 15 gallon nano for about 8 months now with good success. I got the bug to try a pico with a 5 gallon minibow setup I got off of craigslist a while back for 20 dollars.


5 gallon minibow

cheap hob filter to run carbon and some filter floss and at current

50 watt heater

all for 20 $


5 gallons of saltwater (I am going to try using the zero water pitcher to filter tap water)


sand---free left over from my first tank.


20 watt 50/50 power compact bulb 20$


6 pounds of fiji live rock 40$

two blue leg hermits hickhikers -- :)


So 80 Dollars so far but it is my birthdaty present to my self.


I am thinking of mushrooms, zoas, maybe a pepermint shrimp and a clown goby or neon goby.


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